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Why go on a retreat?

We take time off from our hectic lifestyles to relax and unwind and even recharge. Unlike a typical vacation, retreats offer a possibility to create a deeper physical, and emotional withdrawal from the stresses and strains of our regular everyday lives. They are a unique way to allow you to unplug and at the same time rejuvenate your body and mind.

On our Pilates retreats we offer you a possibility to delve deeper into your Pilates practice or if you are new to Pilates you will discover its many positive benefits.

Whether in the mountains or at the beach your health and well-being will be placed front and center, surrounding yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. No need to worry about any vacation stress, just embrace the positive vibes coming your way.

Upcoming Retreats

Twice a year we offer the combination of Pilates with either hiking or snowshoeing in the beautiful mountains of Switzerland where our Holistic Nutritionist spoils you with delicious healthy meals from morning till night! An ideal place to rest, rejuvenate and recoup.

Our retreats in either Mallorca or Ibiza provide a completely different terrain with beautiful beaches and a deep blue ocean where after finishing your Pilates lessons or Fascial Fitness on the beach you can relax, unwind, and maybe have a sparkling sangria!

Please contact us for more details about upcoming retreats. We look forward to sharing our passions with you!